Friday, November 6, 2009

create batch file for shutdown and restart

This will show you how to create batch file to shutdown or restart your pc, also you can schedule it by any given time, follow these steps.

Create batch file for shutdown (with shutdown message box)

  • First create new text document
  • Now inside text document type c:\windows\system32\shutdown -s -f -t 300 (the value 300 is 5 min, (60 x 5) if you want you can raise or reduce the value or put 00 for immediate shutdown)
  • Now save the file as with the extension of .bat (ex- shutdown.bat)
  • Important - make sure you uncheck "hide extensions for known file types" in folder option before naming the batch file. otherwise it wont create batch file,it will create only text file named as shutdown.bat.txt

Create batch file for restart

  • First create new text document
  • Now inside text document type shutdown -r -f -t 300 (if you want restart immediately without countdown set value to 00)
  • Now save the file as with the extension of .bat (ex- restart.bat)

Create schedule for shutdown

  • Open schedule task folder (start > run > type tasks > press enter)
  • Double click add schedule task
  • Click next
  • Click browse button
  • Specify the shutdown.bat file we created
  • In the name field type anything, and select the action under "perform this task"
  • Now proceed with the schedule task, and click finish at the end.

Note - to immediately cancel shutdown or restart job, type shutdown.exe -a in run command and press enter.

customize "send to" items in windows xp

You know you can customize "send to" menu and you can add more new destination in Send To lists. this can be done in a simple way, follow these steps.

  • Click start, click run
  • Type sendto and press enter
  • This will open window with default Send To lists (Compressed (zipped) Folder, Desktop (create shortcut), Mail Recipient, My Documents)
  • Now drag-and-drop any program, folders and drives, shortcuts to this folder
  • For example - we take Microsoft word program, go to the program installation folder, find winword and drag-and-drop it to the send to folder
  • Now to verify new location, right click on a text or a wordpad document, point to send to, click winword
  • This will open the selected file with the Microsoft word

disable automatic update and service

If you want to disable automatic updates for windows you can do it by in control panel or system properties, but you know that even if you turn off updates in here automatic update service will continue to run in background. in order to disable this service follow these steps.

  • Click start , click run
  • Type services.msc and press enter
  • Now find the automatic update service and double click to open it
  • Now stop the service by pressing stop button under "service status"
  • Then under "startup type" select disable
  • Click apply and ok
From now on "windows update" and "windows update service" will be stop

restore missing tabs in "display properties"

In windows xp sometimes you notice that your "display properties" tabs were missing suddenly. (actually sometimes hides itself) such as "Themes , Desktop, Screen saver, Appearance, Settings" ,this can happen for many reasons, the exact cause for this is yet to be found, but we know how to restore the missing tabs in display properties, follow these steps.

  • Click Start, click Run
  • Type regsvr32 themeui and press enter
  • Again Click Start, click Run
  • Type regsvr32 /i shell32 and press enter
Learn more about how to unregister and re-register DLL files

Friday, October 23, 2009

add more columns to task manager

You can add more column to process page of task manager, this ensures to view more running processes. in this example we gonna show you how to add "virtual memory size" to task manager process page.
  • Press alt + ctrl + del to open task manager
  • Now click on process tab
  • Click on the view menu and click select column
  • In the "select column" window select virtual memory size by checking the box
  • Click ok
  • Now you can see the new column named VM Size , in here you can identify how processes used virtual memory size for each process

disable auto reboot when error occured (blue screen)

This will show you how to disable automatic restart option in registry, follow these steps.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl
  • In the right side double click AutoReboot key
  • Change the value to 0 to disable and 1 to enable
  • Exit registry editor and restart pc

windows low on registry space (win 2000)

The most possible cause for this is errors in windows partition, as a result of this error you cannot change the page file values. the first thing to try is using scandisk.

  • Start command prompt
  • Type chkdsk /f and press enter, this will ask to schedule scandisk in next restart, press y
  • In the restart system will scan the partition you specified, after login to windows your problem will be fixed.
Verify pagefile in registry
  • Start > run
  • Type regedit and press enter
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management
  • In the right side open pagingfiles key
  • The default registry value described in here, for example if you set initial size of 2046 and maximum size of 4092 for your pagefile, your registry key value should be C:\pagefile.sys 2046 4092

reduce the time of operating system selection menu

If your pc in a dual boot mode (such as xp and vista) you notice that every time you restart or switch on pc operating system selection menu is displayed, the default timeout is 30 seconds, if you want you can reduce default timeout. follow these steps.

  • Right click on my computer and click properties
  • Click on advanced tab
  • Under "startup and recovery" click settings tab
  • Now reduce the timeout by clicking the down arrow head in "time to display list of operating systems"
  • After done click ok
  • Then click apply and ok
  • Reboot the pc and you can see the changes for default timeout
Also you can change the default highlighted operating system to most you preferred, for example if you use windows xp and vista, the xp will be on the top and vista will be second choice, but it always highlighted default operating system as vista, if no selection been made before timeout, pc loads windows vista. you can change the default highlighted operating system, to do this follow these steps.

  • Right click on my computer and click properties
  • Click on advanced tab
  • Under "startup and recovery" click settings tab
  • In here under "default operating system" the first displayed operating system is the default highlighted operating system, to change the order click down arrow head and select the other operating system you prefer, after done click ok
  • Reboot the pc to see the changes

to view hidden and super hidden files

To view hidden files in you need to deselect some options in folder option. note that most viruses hide itself for further infections and more damaged to your pc, when you enabled view hidden files option, you can safely delete those viruses, some viruses run itself as a active process, there for you may not be able to delete viruses easily. use runscanner utility to kill virus process. to view hidden files
  • Start > run
  • Type control.exe folders and press enter
  • In the folder option window, click on view tab
  • Under "advanced settings" select show hidden files and folders also deselect hide protected operating system files (recommend)
  • Click apply and ok
After doing this you can see hidden file and folders, for example just go to the root of C: drive, notice that no of hidden files were in the root of drive (such as "ntldr, ntdetect) read this about how to enable hidden files using registry file.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

configure schedule smart disk cleanup in xp

This tip will show you how to create smart disk cleanup, to do this we need to create one batch file, please note that this will clear prefetch files also. follow these steps.
  • Create new text document
  • Type or copy the following inside text document
  • c:\windows\system32\cleanmgr.exe /dc /sageset: 1
    cd \
    cd c:\windows\prefetch
    del *.* /q
  • Now save the text file and change the extension of the file from .txt to .bat (ex - cleanup.bat)
  • Now open the bat file you created, this will open disk cleanup settings window
  • In here select the options (by clicking check box) you want to configure for disk cleanup
  • Click ok
  • Now open the bat file again for editing (right click the file and click edit)
  • Change the first line to c:\windows\system32\cleanmgr.exe /dc /sagerun: 1
  • Save the file
  • Execute file for disk cleanup
You can also add schedule task for smart disk cleanup
  • Open schedule task folder (start > run > type tasks > press enter)
  • Double click add schedule task
  • Click next
  • Click browse button
  • Specify the disk cleanup bat file we created
  • In the name field type anything, and select the action under "perform this task"
  • Now proceed with the schedule task, and click finish at the end.

how to repair microsoft outlook pst file errors

With the corrupt outlook data file (PST File) the following things can happen.
  • Cant open outlook
  • Can open outlook, but cant open saved mails
  • Cant open contacts
  • Cant open calender
Your outlook data file can be corrupt in several ways
  • Sudden power off while using outlook
  • Restart system (reset) while using outlook
The best way to repair damaged PST file is running scanpst.exe utility, the location of scanpst.exe utility is depending the product you using. (office 2003 or office 2007)
  • For office 2003 you can find scanpst.exe in C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\1033
  • For office 2007 you can find scanpst.exe in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12
Note - in here C: mentioned as your windows installation drive

To start repair process double click scanpst.exe to open"inbox repair tool" click browse button and locate PST file for repair process. after specify PST file click start to begin repair process.
  • Default outlook 2003 PST file location is C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook
  • Default outlook 2007 PST file location is C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook

how to solve "invalid operating system" error

While you installing windows xp , after text portion of setup completes you need to restart pc, to go in to graphical user interface (GUI) setup. but when you restart pc after completes text portion of setup and booting from hard disk you notice "invalid operating system" error occurs and you cant proceed with the installation. no matter how many times you start all over again problem still occurs.

This can happen because of hard disk contains invalid master boot record. to fixed this issue you have to rewrite MBR code to hard disk. after you you write new MBR code no more errors, you can complete windows xp installation process.

Find out how to fixed MBR code

Friday, October 9, 2009

disable personalized menus in xp

Note - this one is for those who using classic start menu

When you click on start menu and point to programs you notice that some of your programs not displayed in right away. you have to click down arrow head to see rest of the program. this is happen because of personalized menu options, this is unnecessary and you can you can disable it. follow these steps.
  • Right click on your taskbar and click Properties
  • Click start menu tab
  • Now click customize button at the "classic start menu"
  • Now scroll down to the bottom
  • Now deselect "use personalized menus"
  • Click ok
  • Then "apply" and "ok" to finish
Note - no need to reboot your pc, you'll see the difference right away

disable new program alert in xp

If you install new program to windows xp, it notify you by displaying new program alert, this is funny and sometimes unnecessary. because you already know that you install new program, then why some alert message, lets disable it (if you want)

Note - this can be done only if you use standard xp start menu, there is nothing to configure in classic menu.
  • Right click on taskbar and click properties
  • Go to the start menu tab and click customize
  • Click on the advanced tab
  • Deselect "Highlight newly installed programs"

clear recent documents using group policy

Instead of editing registry to clear recent documents, you can use group policy to do that. after configuring this you can clear recent documents ever appearing in the start menu, follow these steps.
  • Click start and click run
  • Type gpedit.msc and press enter to open group policy editor
  • Now in the left side navigate to User Configuration - Administrative Templates - Start Menu and Taskbar
  • In the right side find "Do not keep history of recently opened documents" and double click to open it
  • Now click on "Enabled"
  • Then click apply and ok

view hidden devices in the "device manager"

There can be no of hidden devices ( installed in the earlier time) under device manager. you can view these items and remove if some problem occur. we strongly recommend don't delete these devices for fun, you have to know what you are doing, then you can delete if you really wanted to. follow these steps.
  • Right click on my computer
  • Click manage to open computer management console
  • In the left side under "system tools" click on device manager
  • Now in the view menu click on hidden devices to show these devices.

add manufacture logo and informations in system properties window

In windows XP, you can set Computer Manufacturer Logo and other information's in system properties.follow these steps to change the default system Properties.

  • First open new notepad
  • Then type the following
  • [General]
    Model="Free Tips and Tricks!"
    [Support Information]
    Line1="Free technical information's,system optimize and more."
    Line2="Visit daily for new tips"
  • Note - you can set more Lines as you like
  • After editing notepad save it in the location of c:/windows/system32 and named the file as OEMINFO.INI
  • Now select the picture you want to set as your logo (make sure picture size is 150X150 pixels and BMP format) save it in c:/windows/system32 folder with file name of OEMLOGO.BMP
  • Now close all opened windows and restart your pc to changes go into affect
  • To check newly created Manufacturer Logo and other information's, right click on my computer and click properties.
  • Now in the general tab, verify the system properties with new settings
  • Now click on Support Information for more detail

shutdown, restart or logoff pc's from single location

Windows xp has this amazing feature allows you to shutdown, restart or log-off pc's from single location.this tip is very useful for you, if you are a Network Administrator. after configuring this you don't have to shutdown or restart pc's one by one. to perform this make sure computers are connected directly or to network. follow these steps.
  • Click start, click run
  • Type shutdown -i and press enter
  • This will open "Remote Shutdown Dialog" window
  • Now click on "Add" button to add computer
  • In the "add computers" dialog box type the name or IP address of the computer
  • Click ok
  • Now in the "Remote Shutdown Dialog" window, select the action under "What do you want these computers to do" (you can also set warning message for users and set the duration of of warning message in seconds)
  • Now select the option that describes the reason to shutdown or restart the computer (also you can add comment)
  • Click ok after you done, then users will see a "System Shutdown Windows" with time and comments that you set.

Monday, October 5, 2009

how to backup device drivers

Need to format and install windows, then how about device drivers, you don't have Cd's then what can you do, there is a way to backup device drivers, you need a software called drivermax. with this handy software you can easily backup device drivers that are already installed in your pc. the procedure as follows.
  • First download and install drivermax software
  • Then launch software
  • Point to driver backup and restore, then the sub menu will come under it
  • Now click backup drivers and click next
  • The drivers will listed in short time
  • Now select the drivers you want to backup or click select all button
  • Click next
  • Now specify a location to backup drivers, and click next
  • The backup process will begin (this gonna take several minute)

how to unregister and reregister DLL files

For a number of occasions you might want to unregister and reregister DLL files when a problem occur, this post show you how to do it.

To register (or reregister) DLL file
  • Click start and run
  • Type regsvr32 .dll (for example - regsvr32 zipfldr.dll will register zip folders in windows)
  • Or you can use regsvr32 \.dll (where is the path to the file, and is the name of the file)
To unregister DLL file
  • Click start and run
  • Type regsvr32 -u .dll (for example - regsvr32 -u zipfldr.dll will disable zip folders)
  • Or you can use regsvr32 -u \.dll (where is the path to the file, and is the name of the file)

add mail contacts to safe senders list in outlook 2003

The safe senders option allows you to create a list of senders that you consider safe to receive e-mails from. we show you how to add contacts to safe senders list. but first keep in mind that when you use the Safe Senders option in Outlook 2003, you can still receive e-mail messages that can do damage to your computer, unsafe emails can damage your system (ex-viruses) or contain unwanted information. so choose wisely. select only the necessary senders.
  • Open outlook 2003
  • In the menu click on tools and click options
  • In the preference tab click Junk E-mail button
  • Now click on the safe senders tab
  • Click on add button and type the e-mail address of the person who you want to trust, and then click oK
  • Repeat the above step to add more safe senders
  • After adding senders click apply and ok

configure automatic send/receive in outlook 2003

You can configure automatic send/receive in outlook 2003 by the selected minute. for exampale you select 10min, outlook will automatically send/receive in every 10 minutes. lets take a look how to do it.
  • Open outlook 2003
  • In the menu go to tools and click options
  • Now click on mail setup tab
  • Click send/receive button
  • Under setting for group "all accounts" click schedule automatic send/receive every check box, and specify the minutes
  • Click close
  • Then click apply and ok

Sunday, October 4, 2009

configure "desktop alert notifications" in outlook 2003

To configure this follow these steps
  • Open outlook 2003
  • Go to tools menu and click options
  • On preferences tab click E-mail Options
  • Now click advanced E-Mail options
  • Under "when new items arrive in my inbox" click to select desktop alert settings
  • Click ok and ok
  • Then apply and ok
Note - In the Desktop Alert Settings dialog box, you can configure the duration and the transparency of your Desktop Alert notifications for when a new e-mail message is received

configure "read reciept" for all mails in outlook express

Follow these steps
  • Open outlook express
  • Go to the tools menu and click options
  • Click on the Receipts tab
  • Click to select the Request a read receipt for all sent messages check box, and then click OK
Note - you can request "read receipt" for a single email instead of all emails
  • Click on create mail button to compose new mail
  • In the new message window, go to tools menu and click "request read receipt"
  • After composing, send the mail
Important - message recipients can choose not to send read receipts even when they are requested. if they ignore, you wont get any read receipts.

configure "mail delivery report & read reciept" in outlook 2003

If you want you can configure mail delivery report and read receipt in outlook 2003 to verify that your mail successfully send to recipient and read. to configure this follow these steps.
  • Open outlook 2003
  • Go to tools menu and click option
  • In the preferences tab, click E-mail options and then click Tracking Options
  • Now under "For all messages I send, request" select the Delivery receipt and Read receipt check boxes, and then click OK
  • Again click ok
  • Then apply and ok

Friday, October 2, 2009

how to disable error reporting

If you want you can disable error reporting feature in windows xp , this only appear when critical errors occurred , instead of sending error reports you might want to disable it , here is how to do it.
  • Right click on my computer and click properties
  • Click on advanced tab
  • Under "startup and recovery" click error reporting button
  • Now click on the "disable error reporting" and click ok
  • Click apply and ok
Note - if you want you can disable error reporting service also
  • Click start and run
  • Type msconfig and click ok
  • In the system configuration utility window click services tab
  • Find the "error reporting service"
  • Deselect it by removing check mark
  • Click apply and ok
  • Restart pc for changes go into effect

how to disable low disk space message

This notification is useful, because it notify the user if one or more disk partitions running out of disk space. perform this task if you really wanted to disable low disk space warning, we leave the choice to you.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  • Now right click on the key and add new DWORD value
  • Name it as "NoLowDiskSpaceChecks"
  • Open the key and put 1 in the value data field
  • Restart pc for changes to take effect

remove password when returning from hibernation

you can disable password feature, when every time you returning from hibernation. follow these steps.
  • Go to the control panel
  • Double click power options
  • Click on advanced tab
  • Now deselect "Prompt for password when computer resumes from standby"
  • Click apply and ok

how to change virtual memory location (page file)

If you want you can change the path of virtual memory (page file) location. this is useful when you running out disk space of C: drive (by default page file created in windows partition) imagine you have 2Gb of physical ram, then system automatically allocate disk space, 1.5 of physical ram for a page file, that's a heavy disk cost, in this case you can save disk space in C: drive by changing the page file location. follow these steps.
  • Right click on my computer and click properties
  • Go to advanced tab
  • In there click on the settings button under "performance"
  • In performance option window, click advanced tab
  • Now click change button under "virtual memory"
  • In the virtual memory window, click the partition that has more disk space (ex-D: drive)
  • Now in the custom size area set minimum and maximum value for a page file. (for example - 2 Gb of system ram, minimum can set as 2046 and maximum can set as 4092)
  • After setting the value click set button. now you are successfully change the page file location to D: drive,
  • only thing thing to do is clear page file from C: drive
  • In the virtual memory window, click C: drive
  • Now click on the No paging file and click set button
  • Click ok, then apply and ok
  • Again click apply and ok
  • Now restart the pc to changes go into effect
Note - after restarting the pc you will notice that there is more space available in C: drive, to gain more space in C: drive read this

disable "drivers not digitally singed" message

In windows xp, when you plug new device (bluetooth device, card reader) and try to install its drivers, sometimes you may see "driver not digitally singed" warning message. however you can continue installing drivers ignoring the warning message. hardware manufacturers provide more stable drivers for your device, there for you dont want to see warning messages evertime you plug a device. in this post we are going to show you how to disable "driver not digitally singed" warning message. you can learn more information's in here about digitally singed drivers.
  • Right click on my computer
  • Click properties
  • Click hardware tab
  • In there click the button driver signing under "drivers" section
  • In the opened driver singing option window, click "Ignore - install the software anyway and don't ask for my approval"
  • Click ok
  • Then apply and ok

Sunday, September 27, 2009

disable "turn off computer" from start menu

You can prevent users from shutting down public computer, with some edit of registry you can disable "turn off computer" option. here is how to do it.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  • In the right side create new DWORD value and named it as Noclose
  • Now double click the key and put 1 in the value data field
  • Now close the registry editor and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect
Note - if you want to enable "turn off computer" option again, simply put 0 in the value data field of Noclose key, or delete the key.

create shortcut to lock workstation

Here is how to create shortcut
  • Right click on desktop point to new and click shortcut
  • In the location filed type %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
  • Click next
  • Give it a name and click finish
Now when you double click shortcut, your workstation will be locked

Note - another method is, press window key and L key simultaneously to lock workstation instantly, i know this one is quick rather than creating shortcut, but shortcut is useful to lock a computer remotely

DDR 1/2/3 memory speed chart

The below details described as Memory type (pc2100), speed (266Mhz) , and bus speed (133Mhz)


DDR1 - PC2100 - 266Mhz - 133MHz
DDR1 - PC2700 - 333MHz - 166MHz
DDR1 - PC3200 - 400MHz - 200MHz
DDR1 - PC3500 - 433MHz - 216MHz
DDR1 - PC3700 - 466MHz - 233MHz
DDR1 - PC4000 - 500MHz - 250MHz
DDR1 - PC4200 - 533MHz - 266MHz
DDR1 - PC4400 - 550MHz - 275MHz
DDR1 - PC4500 - 566MHz - 283MHz
DDR1 - PC4800 - 600MHz - 300MHz
DDR1 - PC5000 - 625MHz - 313MHz


DDR2 - PC2-4200 - 533MHz - 266MHz
DDR2 - PC2-5400 - 667MHz - 333MHz
DDR2 - PC2-6000 - 750MHz - 375MHz
DDR2 - PC2-6400 - 800MHz - 400MHz
DDR2 - PC2-8000 - 1000MHz - 500MHz
DDR2 - PC2-8800 - 1100MHz - 550MHz
DDR2 - PC2-9000 - 1120MHz - 560MHz


DDR3 - PC3-6400 - 800MHz - 400MHz
DDR3 - PC3-8500 - 1066MHz - 533MHz
DDR3 - PC3-10666 - 1333MHz - 667MHz
DDR3 - PC3-12800 - 1600MHz - 800MHz
DDR3 - PC3-14400 - 1800MHz - 900MHz
DDR3 - PC3-16000 - 2000MHz - 1000MHz

common virus attack places in registry

If you pc get infected by a virus your registry will be modified by the virus, this ensures virus to keep coming back, number of registry locations modified and they are described as follows.

Location 1
  • Open registry editor
  • First navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • In the right side see if there is suspected key (specially look for a key that running locations such as C:\WINDOWS\ or C:\WINDOWS\system32)
  • Delete the suspected key
Location 2
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • Also in here look for a suspected keys as described above, and delete them
Location 3
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
  • In the right side find "Shell" key and verify its value data set as Explorer.exe if it is changed, erase the existing value and change it back to Explorer.exe
  • Also find "Uihost" key and verify its value data set as logonui.exe
  • Last find "Userinit" key and verify its value data set as C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe, there shouldn't be anything after comma, if it does erase the value data and change it back to C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe,
Note - if you successfully removed virus from your system, but you haven't correct registry you might see error messages within login process, for a example Userinit key is defferent than described above, you will get error message before desktop came, also can take more time to login process.

remove shutdown button from the logon screen

If you want you can remove shutdown button from logon screen, you can do this in 2 way, use a more easy way to you, follow these steps.

From registry
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system
  • In the right side open "shutdownwithoutlogon" key
  • Edit "value data" to 0
  • That it, you are done
Or you can edit "Local security policy"
  • Start > run
  • Type secpol.msc and press enter to open Local security policy
  • Expand Local Policies, and then click Security Options
  • In the right side double click "Shutdown: Allow system to be shut down without having to log on" policy
  • In local security settings tab select disable and click apply and ok.

change the windows registered owner

If you entered registered owner information incorrectly you can correct it at any time. only thing need to do is edit one registry key. here is how to do it.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
  • In the right side find "RegisteredOwner" key and double click to open it
  • Now in the "value data" field enter the name you want to use
  • Exit the registry and restart your pc
Note - if you want you can change registered organization name, just double click "RegisteredOrganization" and edit the value data as you wish.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

how to change title in internet explorer

To change title in internet explorer follow these steps.
  • Start > Run > type gpedit.msc and press enter
  • Navigate to User Configuration, Windows Settings, Internet Explorer Maintainance, Browser User Interface
  • Now in the right side double click Browser Title
  • Now activate customize title bars by clicking the check box and type the title you want to appear in internet explorer. (ex-type NSTECH)
  • Click ok
Note - now when you open internet explorer, title bar appear as "Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by NSTECH" , if you want you can edit title bar further more, follow these steps.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
  • In the right side find Window Title and double click to open the key
  • In the value data field type the title you want to appear and click ok (type - NSTECH)
Note - now when you open internet explorer title bar appeared as "NSTECH"

how to display windows version in desktop

If you want you can display windows version in your desktop, you can do this by simple edit of registry. follow these steps.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
  • In the right side locate PaintDesktopVersion and double click to open it
  • In the value data field type 1 and click ok
  • Now restart the pc to changes go into effect
Note - if you want to disable this feature, just enter 0 in the value data field and restart.

how to reinstall internet explorer 6

You can reinstall internet explorer if there is some problems, you will need windows xp installation CD to complete this process. the procedure as follows.
  • Insert windows xp installation CD to CD Rom
  • Now go to start and click run
  • Type this command rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 c:\windows\inf\ie.inf and press enter.
  • Now proceed the installation process

view system information from command prompt

You can view number of system information's in command prompt, to see information's follow these steps.
  • Start > run
  • Type cmd and press enter to open command prompt
  • In the command prompt type systeminfo and press enter
  • In few seconds system will gather information's and automatically displayed for you

auto unload DLL files after exit program

With a simple edit of registry you can configure to auto unload DLL files after exiting program, follow these steps.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer
  • Now right on explorer key and create new key
  • Named the key as "AlwaysUnloadDLL"
  • In the value data field set value as 1
  • Restart windows for the change to take effect

Monday, September 21, 2009

change default locations in the save as menu

Normally when you try to save a file, it displayed default locations such as "Recent Documents / Desktop / Documents / My Computer / My Network Places". if you want you can set your own location instead of default location, here is how to do it.

  • Click start > run
  • Type gpedit.msc to open group policy editor
  • Under "Local Computer Policy" go to the user configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Explorer > Common Open File Dialog
  • Once you select Common Open File Dialog , you will notice a few settings appear in the right side of the window
  • In there Double click on "Items displayed in Places Bar"
  • Click "Enabled" and put your own locations to appear in the save as menu (ex - E:\ or E:\data or \\computer name\folder name
  • After entering locations click apply and ok to changes go in to effect
Note - to use default locations, click "Not Configured" (or Disabled) in "Items displayed in Places Bar" window, then apply and ok.

clear auto entries from internet explorer

This will show you how to clear entries that displayed in internet explorer

  • Go to start > run
  • Type inetcpl.cpl and press enter , to open internet properties (or right click on internet explorer and click properties)
  • Now click on content tab
  • Then click Autocomplete button (in the personal information)
  • Now click clear forms button to clear entries (if you want you can clear saved passwords by clicking clear passwords button)
  • Click ok, then apply and ok

modify default download location for internet explorer

If you want you cant set your own download location for internet explorer, here's how to do it

  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer
  • Now right click on the key and create new string value
  • Name it as DownloadDirectory
  • Double click to open the key and enter location of your download (ex-D:\Download)
  • Click ok and close the registry editor

how to remove video & image preview in xp

Normally in windows xp if you click video file or picture file, preview of that file is displayed in the left area. imagine if you have partially download video or image and when you click it Explorer tries to load the whole file, this causing slow your computer and explorer error. then you have to restart explorer, but if you clicked that file again the result will be the same. as a solution you can disable previewing option, follow these steps.

To disable video preview

  • Go to start > run
  • Type regsvr32 /u shmedia.dll
  • Click ok
  • This will disable preview option for video
Note - to enable preview type regsvr32 shmedia.dll and click ok.

To disable image preview
  • Go to start > run
  • Type regsvr32 /u shimgvw.dll
  • Click ok
  • This will disable preview option for image
Note - to enable preview type regsvr32 shimgvw.dll and click ok.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

how to solve live messenger error 1601

Do you cant install live messenger or remove existing one to install new version? displaying error 1601, well you can solve this error by unregistering and re-registering the Windows Installer. you can try windows installer cleaner utility to fixed this problem, but if it fails try below, this will works sure..

  • Click start > run
  • Type msiexec /unregister and click ok
  • This will unregister windows installer

Now re-register
  • Click start > run
  • Type msiexec /regserver and click ok
  • This will register windows installer
Now start your live messenger installation , your problem will be fixed.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

how to solve "pinter access denied" error vista

When you try to connect shared network printer to windows vista sometimes it displayed "Access is Denied" error message. but you can access network shared files and folders, and you cant connect shared printer to the system. to overcome this issue you can add the shared printer as a local printer. follow these steps.
  • Go to the control panel
  • Double click printers icon
  • Now click on add a printer
  • Click on add a local Printer
  • Choose Create a New Port with port type of Local Port from the drop down menu , then click Next
  • In the Port Name box type the path to the printer you wish to connect to and click ok , (ex-\\computer name\printer name)
  • In the Install Printer Driver screen, select your printer from the list or choose Have Disk and specify drivers to install printer
  • Newly installed should be in the printers window
  • Test the printer by using test print
Now you should now be able to print from Windows Vista to this networked shared printer

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

registry location for internet explorer homepage

You can always set your default homepage for your internet explorer by right clicking the internet explorer, and click properties, in the general tab (under home page) you can set your home page as you wish, but do you know where is the registry location for this? here is the location.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
  • In the right side find the key Start Page and double click to open it
  • Now under value data you can see the default homepage set by you
  • If you want you can change the default homepage in here, just type the URL you want to use click ok to apply value data.

how to restrict control panel applets

There are several restrictions you can make to the Control Panel, for example we take display control panel, here is how to restrict display control panel.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies
  • Create a new key under policies called System
  • Now add new DWORD value in system and name it as NoDispCPL
  • Now change the value data to 1
  • Exit registry editor and restart pc
Here is some additional control panel applets you can restrict
  • NoDispBackgroundPage - Hide Background Page
  • NoDispScrSavPage - Hide Screen Saver Page
  • NoDispAppearancePage - Hide Appearance Page
  • NoDispSettingsPage - Hide Settings Page
  • NoSecCPL - Disable Password Control Panel
  • NoPwdPage - Hide Password Change Page
  • NoVirtMemPage - Hide Virtual Memory Button
  • NoFileSysPage - Hide File System Button
  • NoConfigPage - Hide Hardware Profiles Page
  • NoDevMgrPage - Hide Device Manager Page
  • NoProfilePage - Hide User Profiles Page
  • NoAdminPage - Hide Remote Administration Page
Note - to create restrictions, add new DWORD values (in system key) name the DWORD values properly (ex-NoConfigPage , NoAdminPage , ....) and change the value data to 1. you can always disable restrictions by changing value data to 0 or deleting the key

how to prevent changes to file associations

You can prevent users from changing associations in folder options (under file types tab) follow these steps.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  • In the right side, create new DWORD value and named it as NoFileAssociate
  • Double click to open the key and enter value data as 1
  • Restart the pc to changes go into effect

outlook 2003 error in registry for extension "exchange extensions"

When you open outlook 2003 the error message displayed as error in registry for extension "exchange extensions" then sometimes you have to close error message several times to go to the mail box, you can solve this problem by following these steps.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Extensions
  • In the right side delete the key Exchange Extensions
  • Exit registry editor and open outlook
  • Your problem will be solved

Monday, September 14, 2009

how to gain extra free disk space for C:Drive

Does your pc's windows partition (C: Drive) running low on disk space, then consider the following thing and you can gain more extra disk space.

Clear temporary files
  • In run window type temp and press enter, now delete all files and folders inside the temp folder
  • In run window type %temp% and press enter, now delete all files and folders inside the folder
  • Delete temporary internet files, for internet explorer read this for mozilla firefox read this

Turn off system restore
  • If you want you can disable system restore feature, this saves some disk space, click here to read how to disable system restore

Disable hibernation
  • Open control panel, double click power option, click hibernation tab, then deselect "enable hibernation" click apply and ok

Empty recycle bin
  • Always delete files from recycle bin

Change page file to another drive
  • Right click on my computer
  • Click properties
  • Click advanced tab
  • Under "performance" area click settings
  • Click advanced tab,
  • Click change under "virtual memory"
  • Now in the drive list select another drive (that has more free space)
  • Click custom size and enter value (megabytes) for initial size and maximum size, then click set
  • Now select the C:Drive, click no page file and click set
  • Restart pc, this will clear page file from C:Drive and move page file to the drive you specified

Change temporary folders path
  • Right click on my computer
  • Click properties
  • Click advanced tab
  • Click environment settings button
  • In the upper area (under user variable) you see variables for temp and tmp, click on each one and select edit, in the variable value field specify new locations for temporary folders
  • (ex - for temp -D:\temp and for tmp D:\tmp)
  • Now in "system variable" you see variables for temp and tmp, click on each one and select edit, in the variable value field specify new locations for temporary folders
  • (ex - for temp -D:\temp and for tmp D:\tmp)
  • After all done click apply and ok

Change my documents path
  • Right click on my documents, click properties
  • Under "target folder location" click move and specify new path (drive that has more space)
  • When prompt click yes and files begin to moving to new location

Extra tips
  • Use disk cleanup frequently
  • Do not save files on desktop
  • Change email store folder path to another drive

how to disable error reporting service

This process will show how to disable error reporting service from your pc
  • First right click on my computer
  • Click properties
  • Now click advanced tab
  • Click on the error reporting button under the "startup and recovery"
  • Now select disable error reporting by clicking it
  • Click ok, then apply and ok

clear entries from run command

When you using commands in run window, it is stored in a registry (ex- when you type regedit to open registry, this command saved in a registry location) you can remove this commands by deleting them from registry, follow these steps.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU
  • Now delete the keys that you dont want
  • Now restart pc or Press F5 to refresh windows, this will do changes go into effect

how to remove program entry in add/remove programs

Follow these steps to remove program entry from add/remove programs
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
  • Find the unwanted program key under uninstall key and delete it

how to turn off system beep sound

System beeps are useful, but you can disable this feature anytime by doing the following tweak.
  • Go to registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Sound
  • In the right pane double click Beep key
  • Change its value to No (default value is yes)
  • Now close the registry editor and restart your computer to changes go into effect

Sunday, September 13, 2009

how to add administrator to welcome screen

No need to press Alt + Ctrl + Del twice to get login for administrator account, with a simple edit or registry you can add administrator login in welcome screen. follow these steps.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList
  • Right click on the key and add new DWORD value
  • Open the key and put 1 for value data field
  • From the next restart you can see administrator login in welcome screen

add " copy to , move to" for context menu

When you right click on file or folder you will see "send to" in a context menu point to different locations, imagine you want to copy or cut the selected file or folder to another location, then you have to copy the file and go to the target folder and paste the file there, that is a long way, isn't it? but instead of taking long way you can add "copy to , move to" in the context menu that appears in right click, from there you can directly copy or move the selected file with easily, here is how to add "copy to , move to" in the context menu.

Add copy to for context menu
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to the key of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers
  • Right click on key, click new key
  • Name it as Copy To
  • Double click to open key and enter value {C2FBB630-2971-11d1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}
Add move to for context menu
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to the key of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers
  • Right click on key, click new key
  • Name it as Move To
  • Double click to open key and enter value {C2FBB631-2971-11d1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}
  • Exit the registry editor
Now when you right click on a file or folder, above the send to option are two new options available, they are Copy to Folder and Move to Folder You can copy or move files or folders to other folders with this. right click and select copy to folder or move to folder, then it open small window named as copy items, in there select the location expanding the folder tree and click copy or move.

how to create keyboard shortcut for programs

Using keyboard shortcut to open specific program is easy , you can open the program by pressing combined keystrokes from keyboard, this saves time for taking long way to open program, here is how to do it.
  • Right click the program shortcut (ex - ms word, skype) and click properties
  • In the shortcut properties (in shortcut tab) you will see area "shortcut key"
  • In the typing area (usually set as none) type a key you want to use for shortcut. (ex - type W to create shortcut for ms word)
  • You will see, it automatically set as Ctrl + Alt + W
  • Then apply and ok
  • From now on, when you press combination keys of Ctrl + Alt + W ms word will start automatically.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

how to disable right click functionality

This registry tweak can disable right click funtion, after doing this you cant right on my computer, folder or file. for example you cant do changes in system desktop appearance, themes, and screen saver as well as other display settings.actually this prevents the menu that displayed on right click, here's how to do it.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  • Now right click on the key and create new DWORD value
  • Rename the key as " NoViewContextMenu "
  • Double click to open the key and edit value data to 1
Now close the registry editor and restart your computer to any changes to go into effect.

Note - if you want to enable right click functionality again on desktop then simply change the value data to 0 or delete the NoViewContextMenu DWORD key.

how to prevent users changing start menu

This registry tweak can prevent users from changing your pc's start menu , not even right click. the procedure as follows.
  • Open registry editor
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  • Right click on the key and create new DWORD value
  • Rename the key as " NoChangeStartMenu "
  • Double click to open the key and edit it's value to 1
After restart your pc, the settings will be affected

disable indexing service to more speedier performance

Indexing service is useful for speeder search results , but it can slow down your pc's performance. turning off this feature will no harm to your system, so if you thinking more speedier pc rather than speeder search results you can turn off this feature. follow these steps.
  • Go to start > run > type services.msc press enter
  • The services window will open, then find " indexing service "
  • Double click to open indexing service properties
  • Now in the startup type, click drop down arrow and select disable
  • Click apply and ok
From the next restart indexing service stops working automatically, leaving your pc much faster than before.

how to auto end programs & reduce shutdown time

When windows xp shutting down it takes some time to close running programs, you can reduce this time by editing some of registry key, here's how to do it.
  • Open registry editor (start>run>type regedit> press enter)
  • Navigate to key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
  • In the right pane double click AutoEndTasks and enter value 1 in the "value data field"
  • Now in the same side open WaitToKillAppTimeout and enter value 3500 in the field (default value is 20000)
  • Close the registry editor and restart pc changes to go into effect.

how to disable right click on taskbar

Does your taskbar & start menu settings messed up by someone , you know you can prevent them using taskbar properties , with a simple edit of registry you can disable right clicking on taskbar, this prevents users from getting "taskbar and start menu properties" here's how we do it.
  • Open registry editor
  • Go to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  • Now right click on the key, point to new then click DWORD value
  • Name the key as NoTrayContextMenu
  • Now open the key and put 1 in the "value data" field
From the next restart the settings will be effected , you can revert this process by putting 0 to "value data" field, or deleting the key

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

delete items without sending to recycle bin

There are 3 ways to configure this option described as follows, use more suitable way to you

From recycle bin properties
  • Right click on recycle bin and click properties
  • In the recycle bin properties window click global tab
  • Select "use one setting for all drives" (it may be already selected) when this option selected it is used one settings for partitions.
  • Now select " do not move files to the recycle bin.remove files immediately when deleted"
  • Click apply and ok
From registry
  • Open registry editor
  • Locate the key of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Explorer\BitBucket
  • Now in the right pane double click to open NukeOnDelete key and set its value to 1
Manual method
  • Just select the files or folders you want to delete, now in keyboard press shift and delete key simultaneously, click yes to delete the files.

how to disable security center warnings

Does security center frequently alerts you a message "Your computer may be at risk. Your virus protection status is unknown" with useless repeating reminder. do you want to stop this warning messages ever appearing again. there are 2 ways to disable this reminders, take more suitable way to you.follow these steps.

Disable from control panel
  • Go to the control panel
  • Double click security center icon
  • Now in the left pane under " Resources " click change the way security center alerts me
  • In the opened " alert settings window " deselect the options that you don't want to remind (ex - firewall , virus protection)
  • Click ok and close security center
Disable from registry
  • Open registry editor
  • Locate the key of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center
  • In the right pane double click to open the keys of " AntiVirusDisableNotify , firewalldisablenotify , updatesdisablenotify " and put DWORD value data as 1
  • Now close the registry editor and restart your computer for changes to go into effect.

how to backup entire registry manually

This will show you how to backup windows registry, follow these steps
  • Open registry editor (start > run > type regedit > press enter)
  • Now click on file menu and click export
  • In the " export range " (see the bottom of export registry file window) select all
  • Give it a name for file and select the saving location
  • Click save to backup the registry.

clear temporary files when exiting internet explorer

This will show you how to clear temporary internet files when you closing internet explorer, follow these steps.
  • Open internet properties window (start > run> type inetcpl.cpl >press enter or right click internet explorer and click properties)
  • Now click advanced tab
  • In there find " Empty Temporary internet files folder when browser is closed " (should be located at security listing) and select it by checking the box.
  • Click apply and click ok
  • From now on temporary internet files were automatically deleted when closing internet explorer.

create shortcut to shutdown and restart

This post will show how to create shortcuts for shutdown & restart your system without taking long way to find your restart and shutdown buttons. the procedure as follows.

  • Right click on desktop, point to new, click create shortcut
  • In the location field (space near browse button) type shutdown -s -t 0 and click next
  • Now type a name for shortcut and click finish
  • Now double click shortcut to shutdown your pc
Note - if you want you can change the icon of newly created shortcut, just right click on shortcut and click properties, now in the "shortcut" tab click change icon button, pick icon as you like click ok, then apply and ok.

  • Right click on desktop, point to new, click create shortcut
  • In the location field (space near browse button) type shutdown -r -t 0 and click next
  • Now type a name for shortcut and click finish
  • Now double click shortcut to restart your pc
Tip - instead double clicking shortcut you can add them to quick launch at taskbar to perform single click operation. first you need to put quick launch to taskbar, right click on taskbar and click properties, in "taskbar" tab select show quick launch by checking the box. click apply and ok. now drag newly created shortcut to quick launch.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

how to prevent appearing recent documents

Normally when you open or access a document or file it is added to the list called recent document (in the start menu) by editing some keys in your registry you can disable recent document ever appearing again. here is how we do it.

Step 1
  1. Go to the registry editor (start>run>type regedit and press enter)
  2. Now go to the key of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  3. Right click on the key, point to new and click DWORD value
  4. Now name the key as NoRecentDocsHistory
  5. Double click to open the key and set the value '1' to enable the restriction
Step 2
  1. Then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  2. And repeat the steps from 3 to 5
From next reboot, there is no more recent document saved at the start menu.

delete emails in deleted folder when exiting outlook 2003

When are receiving and reading e-mails, you may delete the emails that is not important to you, but when you delete, it moves the emails to deleted items folder and not deleted from outlook. with a few changed of outlook settings you are prompt to delete them automatically when you exiting outlook 2003, the instruction as follows.
  • Open outlook 2003
  • In the menu click tools and click option
  • Click on the other tab in the options window
  • In there under "general" section select "empty the deleted items folder upon exiting"
  • Click apply and ok
From now on when you exiting outlook, you are prompt to delete the emails in the deleted items folder, go ahead and click yes, then emails in deleted items will be automatically deleted.

If you don't want to prompt each time to delete the emails, do as follows
  • In the option window, click on other tab
  • Now under general click "advanced option"
  • In advanced options window deselect "warn before permanently deleting items"
  • Click ok
  • Then click apply and ok

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

convert partition from FAT to NTFS with command prompt support

Do you need to convert your FAT partition to NTFS, this can be done with a simple command. and you can even convert your partiton straight away with data (no need to backup data) but keep in mind this process cant be reversed once you convert FAT to NTFS, here is how we do it
  • Click start and run
  • Type cmd and press enter to open command prompt
  • In the command prompt type Convert C: /FS:NTFS and press enter
  • Once you press enter it will ask you for confirmation and press Y. Then press Y again once more to reboot pc
  • The conversion process will begin at the next reboot
Note - "C" is the drive you wish to convert (you can convert more drives, just put the correct drive letter, for example - Convert E: /FS:NTFS. Make sure there is a space between the C: and the foward slash (/).

turn off Autoplay option from group policy

This will guide how to disable Autorun options for windows, after doing this your removable devices such as USB disks and CD-Rom will not auto start. complete these 2 steps to disable autorun option.

step 1
  • Click start and run
  • Yype gpedit.msc and press enter to open group policy
  • Now under "computer configuration" double click administrative templates
  • Click system folder
  • In there find "turn off autoplay" and double click to open it
  • In the settings tab click enable to select it
  • Now in the drop down menu select "all drives"
  • Click apply and ok
step 2
  • Now under "user configuration" double click administrative templates
  • Click system folder
  • In there find "turn off autoplay" and double click to open it
  • In the settings tab click enable to select it
  • Now in the drop down menu select "all drives"
  • Click apply and ok

configure full screen for explorer view

With a simple edit of registry you can view full screen for explorer view, here is how to do it
  • Open registry editor
  • Go to key of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console
  • In there find "fullscreen" and open key
  • Edit value from 0 to 1
  • Now go to registry key of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
  • In there find "fullscreen" and open key
  • Edit the value from no to yes
  • Now everytime you open windows explorer or IE 6 you'll be running in full screen

reduce disk space for temporary internet files

This post will guide how to decrease disk space that used by temporary internet files.
  • Open internet properties (start>run type inetcpl.cpl press enter)
  • In the general page click settings under "temporary internet files"
  • In the opened settings window, Slide the slider bar all the way to the left to decrease the disk space.
  • Click ok
  • Then click apply and click ok

changed i386 cached location

Sometime if you want to add some extra features to windows you might ask for windows installation CD, you can do this easily (without provide CD time to time) by copying i386 folder to your harddisk. now you can point the location of the i386 folder by editing the registry key, so that windows XP will look for them automatically, here is how to do it.
  • Open the registry editor
  • Go to the key of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
  • In there you can find SourcePath now change the value to the correct i386 folder (ex - d:\i386)
  • Now go to the key of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup
  • In there open SourcePath and changed it to the correct drive letter (ex - D:\)
That's it, from now on you are no longer need to provide the CD time to time, windows will get files automatically from the location you specified from the registry.

how to display message from startup

If you want to display message when windows starts, you can do it by simple edit of registry, please follow these steps carefully and you have no problem.
  • Go to registry editor (start>run type regedit and press enter)
  • Navigate to key of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
  • Now in winlogon, find key legalnoticecaption and open the key
  • Type a name you want to name the window
  • Now find key legalnoticetext and open the key
  • Now type the message window want to say, that's it.
  • From next restart you can see the what you want to see

how to clear private data when closing firefox

This post described how to clear private data such as cookies, saved password, authentication sessions, etc.. from firefox when you exiting the browser, follow these steps.
  • Open firefox borwser
  • In the menu, go to tools, and click options
  • In the options window click privacy tab
  • Under private data section, click settings
  • Now select,the actions you want to clear by putting check to each box
  • Now in private data section select "always clear my private data when i close firefox"
  • Now click ok
From now on when you close firefox it will prompt you to perform cleanup action,
if you don't want prompt each time when you close firefox and you want to run cleanup process automatically just deselect " ask me before clearing private data" in a private data section and click ok.

remove history from internet explorer address bar

internet Explorer can track URL that you type in the address bar, this feature allows you to save you from typing the next time that you visit that site again. However, any user that uses your computer can find out what addresses you typed. this is the part that you don't like, this post describes how to remove history from internet explorer, follow these steps.
  • Click on Start, then Run
  • Type regedit and press enter to start registry editor
  • In the registry find the key of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Typed URLs
  • Now delete this key
Note - from now on internet explorer history not displayed in address bar.

Monday, August 31, 2009

quick commands for windows xp

these list of quick commands allows you to open certain types of window, such as folder option, add hardware wizard, check disk utility and more.. in order to use this commands type it on run window (start>run) and press enter.
  • hdwwiz.cpl - opens add hardware wizard
  • appwiz.cpl - add or remove programs
  • wuaucpl.cpl - automatic updates
  • chkdsk - check disk utility
  • cmd - command prompt
  • dcomcnfg - component services
  • compmgmt.msc - computer management
  • control - control panel
  • timedate.cpl - date and time properties
  • devmgmt.msc - device manager
  • dxdiag - direct X Troubleshooter
  • cleanmgr - disk cleanup utility
  • dfrg.msc - disk defragmenter
  • diskmgmt.msc - disk management
  • control desktop - display properties
  • desk.cpl - display properties
  • control color - display properties (apperience atb)
  • drwtsn32 - dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility
  • verifier - driver verifier manager
  • eventvwr.msc - event viever
  • migwiz - file and settings transfer wizard
  • sigverif - file signature verifier
  • control folders - folder option
  • control.exe folders - folder option
  • fonts - fonts folder
  • gpedit.msc - group policy editor
  • helpctr - help and support
  • icwconn1 - internet connection wizard
  • iexplore - internet explorer
  • inetcpl.cpl - internet properties
  • inetwiz - internet connection wizard
  • control keyboard - keyboard properties
  • secpol.msc - local security settings
  • lusrmgr.msc - local users and groups
  • control mouse - mouse Properties
  • main.cpl - mouse Properties
  • conf - netmeeting
  • control netconnections - network connection
  • ncpa.cpl - network connection
  • netsetup.cpl - network setup wizard
  • osk - on screen keyboard
  • msimn - outlook express
  • perfmon.msc - performance monitor
  • telephon.cpl - phone modem option
  • dialer - phone dialer
  • powercfg.cpl - power options
  • control printers - printers and faxes
  • intl.cpl - regional and language option
  • regedit - registry editor
  • mstsc - remote desktop connection
  • ntmsmgr.msc - removable storage
  • control schedtasks - schedule tasks
  • wscui.cpl - windows security center
  • services.msc - services
  • fsmgmt.msc - shared folders
  • shutdown - shutdown pc
  • logoff - log off pc
  • mmsys.cpl - sounds and audio properties
  • sysedit - system configuration editor
  • msconfig - system Configuration Utility
  • sfc /scannow - system file scanner
  • msinfo32 - system information
  • sysdm.cpl - system properties
  • taskmgr - task manager
  • nusrmgr.cpl - user account management
  • utilman - utility manager
  • wab - address book
  • wabmig - windows Address Book Import Utility
  • ntbackup - Windows Backup Utility
  • explorer - windows explorer
  • firewall.cpl - windows firewall
  • magnify - windows magnifier
  • wmplayer - windows media player
  • msmsgs - windows messenger
  • syskey - windows system security tool
  • wupdmgr - windows Update Launches
  • winver - Windows Version
  • tourstart - windows xp tour

create batch file to delete prefetch files

the below steps are about how to create batch file to delete prefetch files automatically, follow these steps.
  • Create new text document
  • Now type del C:\Windows\Prefetch\*.* /Q inside the text document
  • Go to file menu, click save as (this will open save as dialog box)
  • In the dialog box, under save as type select all files from the drop down menu
  • In the file name field type a name you prefer with .bat extension (ex-prefetch.bat)
  • Click save
  • Now double click the file to test, you will find that there's no more prefetch files left in the folder.

disable auto restart in windows xp

Blue screen, what happen when you get blue screen error, the pc automatically restart without letting you to read error description, now lets see how to disable auto restart feature in windows xp.
  • Right click on my computer and click properties to open system properties (or press "window key and pause break" in keyboard)
  • In the opened system properties window click advanced tab
  • Under the Startup and Recovery section, click Settings
  • Now under system failure uncheck "automatically restart"
  • Click ok. then apply and ok

create shortcut for fast user switching

Fast user switching is a very useful feature of Windows for multi-user computers. fast user switching allows multiple users to be logged into a computer at once. This is very useful when someone is in the middle of work but another needs to use the computer shortly.Fast user switching will allow the other user to log in while still retaining the other users session. Once the other user is finished the session can be switched back to the original user. now lets see how to create shortcut for fast user switching.
  • Right click the area the shortcut you want to appear then click new shortcut
  • Now copy c:\windows\system32\tsdiscon.exe to location area (typing area next to browse button)
  • Now give a name for shortcut (ex-fast user)
  • Click finish
  • Now double click the shortcut see the results

cleanup prefetch & temp files

Cleanup "prefetch files" - some say it will create problems, some say it is safe to delete, some say it doesn't make any difference. my thought is you can safely delete prefetch files with no problems at all. below descriptions is about how to delete unnecessary files from system.

Delete prefetch files
  • Go to run (start>run)
  • Type prefetch and press enter (the exact path is C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch)
  • Now delete all files inside the prefetch folder
Delete windows temporary files
  • Go to run (start>run)
  • Type temp and press enter (the exact path is C:\WINDOWS\Temp)
  • Now delete all files inside the temp folder
Delete user temporary files
  • Go to run (start>run)
  • Type %temp% and press enter (the exact path is C:\Documents and Settings\(user name) \Local Settings\Temp
  • Now delete all file in the temp folder
Note - running above actions will no harm to your system

If you need all in one type software to perform all above actions, the only free software i know (the best) is Ccleaner. just download software, install it, after install select the actions to perform (it automatically selected most for you) then click analyse, if this gonna take time click cancel button and click run cleaner, this perform all above actions for you.

adjust graphic settings for speed performance

We all know windows xp uses some considerable amount or ram for visual elements, this can cause your computer to be less responsive. By tweaking your graphics settings, you can increase the performance of your computer. to get start reduce some color quality, procedure as follows.
  • Right click on your desktop and click properties
  • Click on the settings tab and adjust the color quality to medium (16 bit) form the drop down menu
  • Click apply and ok to exit
Next, we use the windows performance settings to optimize your computer for performance. this will reduce lot of the fancy graphics effects. follow these steps.
  • Right click on my computer and click properties
  • Click advanced tab
  • Now under "performance" click settings
  • In the visual effects tab select "adjust for best performance"
  • Click apply and ok
One more thing, we also can use "windows classic" as a default theme, to do this follow these steps.
  • Right click on the empty area of desktop and click properties to open "display properties" window.
  • On the theme tab, select windows classic from the drop down menu
  • Click apply and ok to exit display properties.
After completing all above steps, you can see some faster response from the computer

Thursday, August 27, 2009

configure yahoo mail as a default mail client

first you need to install Yahoo Messenger, yahoo messenger can download at , then you will need to install the Browser Services option to make this work properly. Without the browser services installed, you cannot set Yahoo Mail as your default. follow these steps to set the default email program.
  • Open internet option (start>run>type inetcpl.cpl>press enter)
  • Click on the Program tab
  • Select Yahoo Mail from the email drop down list and Click Ok
  • that's all

printer access denied in vista

One of the errors in Windows Vista happens when you try to connect to a shared network printer. Everything else on the network appears to work properly, shared files, internet access, but Most of the time you'll receive an "Access is Denied" error when trying to connect even though you can see the printer on the network and everything else is working properly.try below method as a solution
  • Go to the control panel and open printers
  • Click on Add a printer
  • Click on Add a Local Printer
  • Choose Create a New Port with type of port remaining Local Port, then click Next
  • In the Port Name box type the path to the printer you wish to connect to and Click Ok (Ex - \\computer\printer)
  • In the Install Printer Driver screen, select your printer from the list or choose Have Disk and specify the location of the printer drivers on the computer then click Next and then click Finish.
  • The printer is now installed in the Printers window
  • Now try to print using test print.

what is error 1324

sometimes this can occur when you try to install program, if you have this problem try to install program in a different user account, check hard disk for errors and verify enough disk space available for installation.There is more than one possible cause for this error, they are described as follows.
  • User profiles are enabled
  • You are installing to an invalid destination folder
  • The Windows registry contains invalid characters
  • The computer is using a real mode (16-bit) driver to access the CD-ROM drive
  • The Microsoft Windows Installer file is damaged or is not installed correctly
  • The computer has insufficient hard disk space
  • Your profile contains a slash (/) character in the name (for example, Jones/Smith)
  • The CPU does not meet the minimum system requirements to run the program
  • Possible disk errors

removal instructions for kido virus

To prevent all workstations and file servers from being infected with the worm, you are recommended to do the following.
  • Install the patch from Microsoft that covers the vulnerability MS08-067, MS08-068, MS09-001 (on these pages you will have to select which operating system is installed on the infected PC, download corresponding patch and install it)
  • Make sure the password of the local administrator account is not obvious and cannot be hacked easily – the password should contain 6 letters minimum; use a mixture of uppercase and lowercase, numbers and non-alphanumeric characters such as punctuation marks
  • Disable autorun of executable files from removable drives
  • Block access to TCP ports number 445 and 139 using a network screen (You need to block these ports only while you perform the disinfection. As soon as you have the entire red disinfected, feel free to unblock the ports)
remove kido virus with kk.exe tool (provided by kaspersky)
  • First download kk.exe (click here to download)
  • Extract the contents into a folder on the infected PC
  • Now you need to disable antivirus for a while
  • Run file KK.exe
  • Wait till the scanning is complete
  • Now re-enable your virus guard, update as necessary and Perform a full scan of your computer.
additional information about removing kido virus and remove from admin kit - click here

security patches from microsoft - click here to visit the site, and select appropriate package for your pc.

impact of kido virus

kido is a worm, A worm is a type of virus that replicates by resending itself as an e-mail attachment or as part of a network message. Unlike a regular computer virus, a worm is self-contained and does not need to be part of another program to duplicate itself. A worm hides in active memory and performs malicious acts, such as using parts of the computer’s system resources. Worms are usually invisible to the user and are designed to affect the computer’s performance. A worm take control of remote systems without any help from the users and can delete files, send documents via email, or encrypt files.

once you infected with kido the following things can happen
  • compromise your privacy by transmitting your personal information and downloading popup advertisements.
  • It can tracks which websites you visited or what terms you’ve typed. Spyware uses your information to deliver targeted ads to you. Also, data of your surfing activities may be sold to third parties.
  • Slow computer performance. A sluggish computer is one of the easiest signs that you have been infected with Kido. Kido and other unwanted sofware use your computer’s resources to do its nasty tasks such as displaying popups or tracking your surfing activities. If you see your computer is slowing down dramatically or crashing a lot, you may be infected with an unwanted software.
Sings of network infection
  • Network traffic volume increases if there are infected PCs in the network, because network attack starts from these PCs.
  • Anti-Virus product with enabled Intrusion Detection System informs of the attack Intrusion.Win.NETAPI.buffer-overflow.exploit
  • It is impossible to access websites of the majority of anti-virus companies, e.g. avira, avast, esafe, drweb, eset, nod32, f-secure, panda, kaspersky, etc. (and the list keep go on)
Termination of services
  • Windows Security Center Service (wscsvc) – notifies users of security settings (e.g. Windows update, Firewall and Antivirus)
  • Windows Update Auto Update Service (wuauserv)
  • Background Intelligence Transfer Service (BITS) – used by Windows Update to download updates using idle network bandwidth
  • Windows Defender (WinDefend)
  • Error Reporting Service (ersvc) – sends error reports to Microsoft to help improve user experience
  • Windows Error Reporting Service (wersvc)
Short description of the Net-Worm.Win32.Kido family
  • It creates files autorun.inf and RECYCLED\{SID<....>}\RANDOM_NAME.vmx on removable drives (sometimes on public network shares)
  • It stores itself in the system as a DLL-file with a random name, for example, c:\windows\system32\zorizr.dll
  • It registers itself in system services with a random name, for example, knqdgsm.
  • It tries to attack network computers via 445 or 139 TCP port, using MS Windows vulnerability
  • It tries to connect to the sites of,,,,, in order to learn the external IP address of the infected computer (recommended action is configuring a rule to monitor connection attempts to these sites it network firewall)
Note - if you cant access website due to kido infection, there is a small thing to try to access webistes, follow these steps
  • open miscosoft services window (start>run>type services.msc>press enter)
  • in the services find DNS Client service
  • now stop the service (right click on the service>click stop)
  • now try to open website (hope this helps, it really works for me in a kido infection case study)