update your kaspersky antivirus using update distribution folder.to create update distribution please follow below descriptions.
how to create update distribution folder- right click on kaspersky (at system tray)
- in the right pane (under update settings) click settings
- this will open update settings page
- in there click additional tab
- now select update distribution folder (this will select the default path,but if you want you can customise update distribution path)
now you need to update your virus guard and this will create update distribution folder at the path you selected.after update complete go to the selected path (
note - there must be 3 more folders inside update distribution folder, the folder names are '' autopatches, bases, index '') copy the update distribution folder to flash drive or external hard disk.now you can update kaspersky virus guard in another pc by specifying the update distribution folder.
to do so
- right click on kaspersky (at system tray)
- in the right pane (under update settings) click settings
- now click update source tab
- deselect kaspersky labs update servers if already selected.
- now specify the update distribution folder
- now right click on kaspersky icon at system tray
this will begin the update process,wait until the update completed.after update complete you are prompted to restart the pc.after restart pc your virus protection is available and up to date.
you can also run manual update method through network
to do so
- right click update distribution folder where the folder was originally created location.
- then specify the folder through network the pc you want to update.
you can use this method over a number of pc,s through network.the pc where created update distribution folder now act as a update server for other pc,s in the network.