Saturday, January 21, 2012

unknown character when composing email

one of our customer said me that he is experiencing problem when he composing email, he said that unkonwn sign appears when he press enter & dot sign for spaces, he says this is very annoying & hard to look at the document he types, so i involved the matter and fix the problem instantly, check below screenshot i got from his pc. (please click the image to enlarge)

so i configure some settings in the outlook 2003 and problems is gone, here is how i do it.

  • click "new email message" button to compose email
  • in the untitled message menu click tools > click option
  • in the view tab check under formatting marks
see the picture

you can see in the picture there is a check box already selected for all under formatting marks , this is the problems, so i uncheck all and click ok, the problem is gone and i see a happy face.